Northern Territory

The Northern Territory is a state in the central and central northern regions of Australia. It shares borders with Western Australia to the west (129th meridian east), South Australia to the south (26th parallel south), and Queensland to the east (138th meridian east).

The Northern Territory in Australia famed for its Outback desert landscapes. In the arid Red Centre is the sandstone monolith Uluru (Ayers Rock), the red rock domes of Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) and the sculpted cliffs of Kings Canyon in Watarrka National Park.

There are lots of national parks in the Northern Territory Kakadu, Litchfied, Nitmiluk, Uluru Kata Tjuta, Watarrka, Finke Gorge and many more. Travel should done in the dry season as in the wet roads become impassable, roads can become closed due to rain in the dry so be sure to take extra water and supplies and make sure you have enough fuel to travel the vast distances.
